Energetic Spiritual Ministries, Inc.
Suzanne Hunt, Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Teacher
Healing Meditation
with St. Germaine and the Violet Flame

Clear, receive and transform.
​Bring peace and clarity to your body, mind and spirit this holiday season with the healing alchemy of Ascended Master St. Germaine and the Violet Flame. Release any negative, stagnant or low frequency energy in your chakras and aura field, that may be causing stress, worry or lack of inner direction. Move away from struggles and find more freedom and contentment in your life. Allow any thoughts, feelings or mental patterns that don't support your highest potential to be transmuted into the positive, bringing in more clarity, inner wisdom and positive empowerment. You will receive the inner healing you need most right now, allowing you to magnetically attract more positive experiences into your life.
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For the Zoom meeting:
We will briefly discuss St Germaine’s life and spiritual work as an ascended master.
Relax with your headset in quiet comfortable space, such as a bed, couch or comfortable chair.
Receive a guided meditation and powerful cleansing of your body, mind and spirit with St. Germaine’s exquisite violet light, which may be directed to any area of your life. ​
This healing experience is open to everyone. Come with your intentions and be prepared to release and transform with this high-frequency energetic cleansing.
Guided meditation offered:
Sat morning, December 7th
10:30 am – 11:30ish am MT
Attend by Zoom
Donations welcome, but not required